Happened to see 2 or 3 short films by National Geographics, where it was shown how a porcupine making use of its quill-spines gets away from a panther or in another when a lioness is still hanging on the jugulars how bison cow gets away fighting extremely hard and saves her own life at the last moment. Both were mind-boggling as well as eye-openers.
In Human jungle too, the survival instincts of below-average IQ individual are absolutely paramount. For someone, with a higher level of understanding, It's really difficult to survive in the world that largely comprises of averages. As soon as this average world gets a sniff, even the faintest one that you are a bit different, forget about being gifted or plain intelligent, the fangs are out and every method, plan, ploy, politics is tried to show that, how you are not so and you too are having feet of clay like us And If the greatness is accepted, mostly reluctantly, then every effort is made to show that, you are just as equal as jus! Maybe attitude condescending on my part but I am not going to be apologetic about it.
This World is not equal. Take any level, platform, parameter, damn anything we have differently endowed people [! tongue in cheek].
When the one with low intelligence is entwined with another one with better capabilities, all arms of the ammunition are used in the war, if it happens to be between spouses. Cheating, lying, stabbing in the backs, adultery, crying, low-level politics, verbal heart-wrenching duels, nothing is spared. Till the other one really is made into a spineless ball of slime, the parties don't stop. Here the survival instincts of the one with below-average prerequisites, come to the fore vehemently. It's the question of survival so the last word has to be in winning pocket, and they go to any extent to have it. There is no rationale, no remorse, no ethics no manners, no discretion, you name a virtue from the polite civilized intelligent world and its trampled under the feet with glee.
I have come across many such couples where the intelligent partner is never given due respect. Two different individuals with different capabilities, in all aspects, physical mental, emotional, intelligence come together in a mostly hypothetical artificial institution called marriage and at the word go, they become equal! Unfathomable! Here, it's not the question, who is a male partner or who is the female one! Many intelligent women only because they belong to that gender, are not given the opportunity to show their mettle! Just to give example, many girls from my class of M.B.B.S., are not doing anything because their either spouses or In-laws did not allow them to venture. Similarly, Arts and Commerce graduates are making lives of many professionally gifted people difficult by competing with them to have the last word and just to show that who wears the pants in the house. One with discretion just gives up, but in that case, is it a good marriage?!
The real sport spoilers are the ones who have an average IQ. The ones with ultra-low IQ or differently-abled, are beyond all these humanly emotions, and mental intricacies and they have to accept all the help what normal average world could offer. Superior ones are in a different league altogether and are really not bothered about the world beyond them. They just brush aside the normal world. They don't need to fight for survival, it's there in them! Period.
The ones those have enough IQ to, at least, understand that they don't have 'IT', do the most mischief. And then all those games, ploys, petty politics, tantrums. Well, I have made, my point. I, when get pulled in to this whirlpool, where do I stand? No answers! Maybe I give up!