Thursday, 23 January 2020

Urban Naxals

As soon as the prefix ‘Urban’ is attached to Naxals their sympathizers from the Cities cringe and object to the very usage. But the fact is, out of the three pioneers of the movement, Charu Muzumdar, Kanu Sanyal and Jangal Santhal only Jangal Santhal was a real tribal while the rest did come from the urban background. Jangal Santhal was a well-respected figure in Adivasi sharecroppers, peasants and tea labourers of the hill and Terai areas of Darjeeling. Charu Muzumdar came from a landlord family from Siliguri while Kanu Sanyal too was from Siliguri and before joining the movement was Revenue clerk in Siliguri court. So why the uproar now, when the founders of the movement themselves came from the Urban areas?

The term is coined by Mr Vivek Agnihotri and fits these people like a glove.

Though started by a section of hardcore communists’ party that idolized Mao Zedong, it lost its direction somewhere down the line because of the differences in the ideologies of the founders started clashing with the modus operendi. Mr Kanu Sanyal in later stages of the movement leant towards the view of the parliamentary opposition, while the others believed in Armed revolution to usurp the system.
The more aggressive members of the party never believed in India or her constitution the way it existed or is as of now. They wanted to grab the power by overthrowing the present system, whereby the democratically elected government by the people, by targeting affirmed politicians from various parties believing in Democracy, Policemen, officers included because they represented the government, the forest contractors as they oppressed and at the local level, targeting the landlords for “Protection Money” The paradox was,  in the areas they dominated, they collected the ‘Tax' even from the Adivasis and landless farmers whom they pretended to salvage from the oppressive system.
The Naxal movement was formed after ‘Telangana’ struggle in July 1948, immediately after the independence when even the stalwart politicians were naïve and were groping in the dark. Based on the ideology of Mao Zedong it wanted to have Communist theocratic India even amounting to a dictatorship like Mao but the section that wanted to participate in the democratic process by contesting the elections, CPI Marxist, led to the split and it was led by none other than Charu Muzumdar. Though the extremist still felt that “Indian Constitution ratified colonial policy” and thus making the state the custodian of tribal homelands thereby making them homeless in their own state and thus reducing them to squatters denying their rights for the forest produce. So in the name of organizing and empowering them the Naxal movement started, which later on, became anti-establishment, fought by wedging guerilla warfare in the jungles overtly and in the cities by initiating the social rift by Urban elites covertly!
After the party was established, the next step was to increase the number of members by fresh recruitments. And so according to Muzumdar, "The Recruit" must be without selfishness and be ever ready for self-sacrifice. To achieve the goal, they looked for impress-able, and adaptive young minds and in such a situation 'Who' could be better than the "Students and the "Youth"?The students were specifically chosen for their education that represented elites and educated section of the Indian Society. Education became pivotal as it was felt that these educated insurgents would be handy to spread the teachings of Mao in the urban population.
And that's how 'JNU' became pertinent then and even today, though the movement itself is dying!
JNU's left-leanings are doing exactly what was envisaged at the inception of the party. To spread the message and to broaden the base for Communist -Mao philosophy, they caught hold of the students to teach Communist Philosophy to uneducated Rurals and always unhappy workers in Urban areas.
Any organization requires finances to keep the wheels rolling on. Though the major chunk for the movement comes from the mining industry even now, in areas they control, it also comes from the drug trafficking from states which cultivate them, from Odisha to Bihar via Jharkhand. Another big source is Urban Sympathizers, the 'Urban Naxals.' They form the important part of the chain as they are instrumental in supplying 1. Arms through political contacts and 2. An unending supply of ammunition for "The Ultimate Armed Revolt" 
It must be realized here that in many such overt or covert armed attacks either on Civilians who do not OBEY or Security personnel from every sector the bullets those killed many came from the pockets of these 'Urban Naxals'.Else how could these internal 'Terrorists' get finances for the armoury?
CPI-M did not play hide and seek while recruiting the members. It was very clear about the leadership it required. Keeping this thought in line many of its top leaders were/are highly educated, mostly coming from the universities.
Being 'Urban' was not the only criterion but to have correct high-level contacts with suppliers, technologies, expertise, information and logistic support for overground activities carried equal weightage.
The leaked document, written by Mr.Govind Kutty titled 'CPI[Maoist] Perspective' which was highly confidential was procured by RAW, Research and Analysing Wing, and it was so explosive that according to Mr Sushilkumar Shinde, the then Home Minister in Dr Man Mohan Singh government, " Urban Naxals are more dangerous than the Guerilla army because their only motive is to achieve power by coordinated violence than by democratic means. These are educated people from Academia, [All those captured from Pune and else-where], Media,[ TV reporters and actors, does one require names?]NGOs and Urban civil society who SUPPORT violent insurrection against the Indian State.[Enemy of the State]."
And see the stance of Congress today? The one who coined the term 'Urban Naxals' is crying hoarse when it's mentioned by the others!
But it's true, whosoever the supporters, in form of opposition[ read Congress], Tukde-Tukde gang, Left-wing artists like Nasiruddun Shah, Javed Akhtar, his wife and son, Aparna Sen, the author Arundhati Roy, with Barkha Dutt[Of course] and a pile of signatories with 'Award Wapasi' gang who every now and then keep on condemning the actions of the government, right-wing to their dislike, against this Cancerous element of society must learn for once and all that, this Phenomenon called "Urban Naxals' does exist and is a very real internal security threat to India. Not my own, it's RAW observation.Source: Search Urban Naxals on any Search Engine!

Amar Bhushan the former secretary of RAW has categorically stated that Violent wing wedges war against the state in jungles while 'Urban Naxals' keep the pipelines for supplies of commodities for survival and ammunition for guerilla warfare.

The other details from the 53 paged document by Mr Govind Kutty are nothing less than 'Atom Bomb' for the Indian polity!
It details about the mobilization of masses to incite them to overthrow the democratically elected Indian government by armed revolt. He uses very very harsh words describing the cities as the stronghold of the 'ENEMIES'.So he advises organizing,1. Minorities,2.Labour,3. Students,[Read JNU and alike in capitals] to actually revolt against the state in any which way, Armed, not a bar!
Mr Govind Kutty does not stop, but goes ahead and advises like-minded Professors and Teachers to join[? Infiltrate] institutes like 1.JNU and 2. Tata Institute of Social Sciences to influence the minds of the STUDENTS to sympathize with the Naxal movement!
We have our own, Kanhaiyya Kumar, a glaring example!
What he advocates next is absolutely horrendous![ My information, the source is only from search engines and I personally don't have any hard copy documentary proof to endorse it. If found incorrect I apologize unconditionally in advance.]
The document advocates members to infiltrate all the security forces, including 1. Army,2. Para Military Forces,3. Police and 4. Higher levels of Administrative the machinery of the state.
The motive is extremely transparent!
We have many of our politicians, bureaucrats coming from JNU and if the document is to be believed JNU might not be alone. One that's caught is a thief!
PS: I have been searching for the data for more than 3 to 4 days and the information is still not complete and/or is insufficient.
What we are witnessing now is the war of ideologies. I'll always go along with the thread of Indian Democracy What about you, I hope not a closet 'Urban Naxal'.

Sunday, 19 January 2020


What prompted me to write this blog in three parts? Recently I came across two blogs written by near and dear ones, both coming from well to do families, highly educated, economically independent, free thinkers with open minds but basically brought up with middle class values and all that, which would never classify them as Leftist of any genre, Maoist, Leninist, Centro Leftist, Far Leftist even pseudo-Leftist. Basically simple souls but with the mind of their own. May be prototype for urban educated middle path followers travelled from little have-nots to haves, having all the modern-day amenities and luxuries at their doorstep, of course with their own herculean efforts, no doubt! But no real struggle, where you don’t know where your next meal is coming from!
But after going through their blogs, though I was not shocked, utterly or otherwise, wondered whether the Leftist are becoming successful in their propaganda against the system, mind you not against the present government and have entered the middle class houses, not literarily but into their psyche, not absolutely corroding them but making them sit straight and take the cognizance of their philosophy, methodology and above all their existence in a ‘DEMOCRATIC” country where in reality they must not have any place, because of their very way of thinking![ By the way US of A, the epitome of Right-wing politics, too has Communist party but the members are only 5000 in number.]
One was feeling overtly uneasy about what’s been happening around her and the second was bothered whether the multicoloured ‘Quilt’ of the nation is losing its very character, of quilt woven from different pieces, of culture, castes, states, races and above all religion. Okay till here. But when the mention of JNU students came with melted chocolate in the heart, it made me wake up. I definitely had a different notion about these so-called ‘STUDENTS’ from the JNU campus. It made me go through these three problems what India is facing today, Muslims in form of CAA and NRC and JNU for ‘STUDENT’ unrest, into bracket Urban Naxals
What I wrote in the first blog is the tip of the iceberg and the problems are much bigger than we see or even imagine. Plenty of material/literature is available openly on all the social platforms and search engines that I had to spend at least 2-3 days just to go through the part of it and analyze it in my own way. I am not a research scholar, la JNU M Phil Student, but whatever I could gather on all the three topics is beyond shocking!
Having already said about Islam and Indian Muslim, they have qualms about even calling them such, they are Muslims first so it must be Muslim Indians, let me try to get down to what JNU actually is and what it stands for.
When the bill, to have second University in Delhi was discussed in parliament Noted Barrister, parliamentarian, former Chief Justice of Bombay [Then] High Court, M C Chagla had questioned about the very necessity of having it in Delhi, where others were already present. And he was not the lone dissenter.
The point to be noted and that is highly pertinent especially in today’s context is, ’The constitution Of JNU’ is exhaustively contributed by none other than Mr Prakash Karat, JNU alumni,  the eminent leader of Communist Party of India of which he was president 2005- 2015. So naturally, it has to be dominated by Communist/Leftist views and way of thinking. JNU has always been the hub of Leftist activities though the students deny it but AISA,[All India Students Asso.] which is a student wing of CPI[ Maoist/Marxist does not matter] has mostly won the elections held at any time in JNU. ABVP, rival student organization of Right-wing policies, tried many times to get in, but the efforts were always thwarted by strong Leftist AISA.
JNU is not new to the controversies. The latest one though started as ‘Agitation against the Fees hike’ has ultimately culminated into something else altogether but definitely political. To attach it to 'from CAA and NRC to free speech and freedom of expression', definitely seems to be politically planned. ‘Why’, which even they won’t be able to decipher. The management has not revised the fee structure over the last 19 years though the common man on the street is fighting daily against the rising cost of living. The funding deficit amounts as of now to $1.6 million [ source Western, so the figure is in $].Even though the management has offered to roll back the hike partially but the students are still asking for the original fee structure, stating that the students below the poverty line would be affected. But are they only in JNU, every University, every college, every teaching institution has them so why it’s disturbing only the students of JNU?? And what was the fee structure? You will be surprised. The hostel room charges are Rs10 for double occupancy while Rs 30 for single. The ample number of scholarships with free ships with stipend thrown in for PG students. There are 1594 M.Phil/PhD students as of now and one gets an allowance of Rs 35000/- month if he/she does not opt for the hostel accommodation. Thus management spends around Rs 16,079,600 on these students till their graduation. And what are the subjects of their dissertation? Here are few:
1.Community based Health care in Kenya.
2.Adult Mortality in Paniya tribe.
3.Religious Healing practices in Mappila Muslims
4.Dismissal of Peng Dehuai[Who?]
These are only a few of the dissertation at the cost of taxpayers’ money, I don’t get how these are going to help the Indian community at all, in any which way!.
As compared to PG ‘STUDENTS’ of JNU, PG Students of KEM /JJ/Nair/LTMC or any other state medical college in any damn state, get much less stipend, have to stay in the dinghy rooms, have to eat substandard food, but all the state Governments in India extract stupendous health work out of them without which any hospital just wouldn’t run. That’s their gift to the society at the cost of their real toil and their youth! They too went on strike, many times, for their just demands but patient care was always taken care of. Last but not the least"There was never violence of any kind nor the destruction of any public property like, breaking down the life-saving equipment or burning the records!
JNU is imbibed with controversies because of its overt Leftist stance right from the beginning. This is not the only! Right from the inception, it's drowning in the cesspools of controversies, mired in one after the other! No topic was taboo just to put down the Pseudo attire of the student and go on strike. Right from Feminism, Minority rights[ a pet reason], to social and economic justice. These are debated/fought so fiercely that due to not so cold war between majorly two student unions, the elections were banned by the Supreme Court of India for not complying with the recommendations of the Lyngdoh committee. It was lifted only after prolonged negotiations lasting for 4 years. And of course Left backed AISA won with the thumping majority!
But the Cherry on top of the cake was definitely taken away by the now infamous ‘Tukde Tukde’ gang. The infamous Afzal Guru who did not only mastermind but executed the attack on the ultimate edifice of Democracy in India, The Parliament was to be posthumously felicitated because he was the hero of Kashmir Liberation front and he was executed by the Indian Constitution for his noncrime, UNJUSTIFIABALLY, so they claimed!. Every true Indian must stand and protest against such “STUDENT”s, notorious Kanhaiyyakumar was President of the JNU students Union then, who showed his true colours by contesting the elections on the CPI-M ticket and fell flat on his face in his own village, in his own state clearly indicating that the majority does not support him or his views!
Subramanium Swamy has suggested that JNU should be shut down for two years, cleansed off its nefarious Left-wing activities which would never  fit in the definition of Democracy and should be restarted after naming it after Late Subhash Chandra Bose, then only this mine of Urban Naxals won’t produce more, those try to destabilize the multilayered a structure that’s  The QUILT of India!
To be continued….

Thursday, 16 January 2020

Islam and Urban Naxals in Indian Context:1

Maybe a little odd title for the blog or the blog itself. But in today’s context, in today’s India both are not only pertinent but have a lot of relevance because they are the burning topics of today which have India divided between us and them.
Right at the outset let me be very clear about my stance. I am against everything that under the garb of secularism, Congress did to the country but that does not mean 1. I am Pro BJP or 2. I am Anti Islamic. The very fact that we have 18% population of Muslims makes it impossible to wish them away. Whatever anybody, any extreme Right-wing thinkers or any political or non-political party may say. I strongly believe that everybody is as Indian as anybody else can be!
The problem starts only when we want to define India, as a nation in the first place?
What’s the definition of a nation, especially for a country like India where the diversity is so extreme that nothing is common between the two sets of people, as normally described, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari or from Nagaland to Gujrat.
To be politically, rather historically more correct India, a country what we call India today was never one country at any juncture of time in the annals of History, even under British rule. British may have been instrumental in sowing the seeds of united India under one flag but it was Sardar Patel who really tried hard to make the dream come true, of course not without losing a chunk of the notion. Forget about bigger princely states like Hyderabad, ruled by Nizam or Kashmir ruled by Harisingh, today’s Rajasthan, erstwhile Rajputana alone comprised of more than 23 states some not bigger than a bigger district in British India. All in all, there were 565 princely states in India before the British left. Again Thanks to Mr Patel for his single-handed herculean efforts to bring them under the Indian flag. So when we talk of India which India we are talking about?
In such a  state of immense diversity, the one thing that kept India united from times immortal was/is Hinduism as a polity and not a religion and today we are challenging the very foundation!
Partition, THE partition was definitely based on a religious basis, but the idea was not born when it really happened. It was conceived long before and was simmering for decades and the British with their divide and rule policy, definitely nurtured it, adding fuel to the fire whenever the opportunity arose. And there were plenty, provided by both the parties. So when we lament today about the Hindu Muslim divide, it is actually the culmination of what was sown long ago.
There is a basic difference in the ideologies of both religions. Hindus can’t call any other country as their homeland, while some Muslim theologist like, Hizb ut Tahirr say that” Muslims should abolish national boundaries within the Islamic world and return to the Islamic world known as the “Caliphate”, that would stretch from Indonesia to Morocco and contain more than 1.5 billion people. In essence, many like him believe that Islam cannot be constrained by geographical boundaries. And today’s world IS factually divided by geographically lines, how much arbitrary they maybe! The dream does not stop here. The followers of the theory believe that ’It will let Muslims challenge and ultimately conquer the West! ’The success of the Caliphate will also encourage more converts to Islam-eventually the whole world would be Islamic’” 
"In Europe they tell Muslims that they have to create parallel societies and they should not follow the European laws" says Ms Baran adding further,” If this happens it will be impossible for people like me to argue that Islam can be democratic”
Abu Mohammad, another Hizb Tahrir activist says,” Islam obliges Muslims to possess the power so that they can intimidate-I would not say terrorize-the enemies of Islam”.
So Hinduism along with India actually stand nowhere on the wider canvas nonetheless it too must be under the blanket to widen the base. While coming to Hinduism, the consensus among the western experts is,’ Hindu Nationalism however is, more of cultural nationalism called as ‘Hindu Polity’than actual Hindu nationalism.'
Some Islamic scholars like Yusuf al-Qaradawi hold the opinion that ’Support for democratic procedures like Elections, combined with religious or moral objections toward some aspects of Western democracy is viewed as incompatible with ‘Sharia’.India opted for democracy in 1950 and the first general elections were held in 1952. If one has to go by what many of the Muslim scholars and Clerics think, the Indian democracy is against Sharia and not fit for devout Muslim. In such circumstances how can we object to the assumption by the majority that Muslims in India don’t think India as their country!

The new word coined after world war II is” Islamism” that’s mostly religiously oriented and not by geographical borders. Does the problem of Muslims in India stand somewhere in between? Nation[ though arbitrary] named India or religion named Islam!
To be continued.....