Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Shamitabh: late after thoughts.

 After leaving the cinema hall if the movie still keeps on lingering in your head, it's a good movie. It has to be one. May be I was totally wrong. After viewing Shamitabh I was confused rather  perplexed about what I saw. On the surface, the first reaction was ,'Oh it's splendid, something different.' And it went on in the head weaving webs I could not come out of. And when the webs started unwinding some glaring flaws became so apparent that the first reaction started looking stupid !
All the medico technical jargon was so absurd that it defied all scientific logic. Amitabh's voice coming out of Dhanush's throat ?!. Well if it has to come mechanically through microchip / rather speaker fitted in Dhanush's larynx it should sound like ' Next patient Please' type of announcer  device voice  fitted in Physician's waiting room. Should it use Dhanush's vocal cords, but they are totally paralyzed, so even if they really make sound, it should be Dhanush's own voice/ sound, Why should it sound like Amitabh?
Director seems to be so much in awe of Amitabh, the actor and more his voice that he conveniently overlooks all these lapses. There are further. The dialogue, any time any where between Dhanush and any body, is conveyed to Amitabh, 'the voice', through those radio waves and  it's Amitabh , not Dhanush, who thinks on the answer , gives it and the body, Dhanush, lip syncs it so flawlessly that no body present nearby, even within whispering distance notices the mechanics of it, as if Dhanush is aware of the answer, well in advance, Amitabh is going to construe. May be while dubbing, yes understandable but during live interviews carried out impromptu ? Difficult to digest !  .
The most pertinent question though arises is,what is more important 'the face' or 'the voice'? For Mr Balki it's obviously voice. But let me ask him a question ? Except Mr Amin Sayani how many 'voice over' artists he knows only on hearing their voices ? And Mr Amin Sayani is not even voice over /dubbing artist.
A Hundred or even more Hollywood's films for release in India are being dubbed  not only in Hindi but in Tamil and Telugu too. If in one flick Miss X dubs for Julia Roberts, in next it might be Miss Y. Who knows and who cares ?!
In her initial few Hindi films Shridevi took voice over from  Baby Naaz. So in 'Shamitabh' style Baby Naaz should have thrown tantrums, made " Artist" issue and black mailed Shridevi in accepting "voice's" superiority over "the face". It simply did not happen because it's not the way it's done. Had it been Baby Naaz would have been shown the door immediately in the next flick. In Shamitabh it doesn't  happen because Mr Balki doesn't want it to happen, for it's 'AMITABH' in full capitals, reality and  logic thrown in the thin air.
Whole exercise, albeit a futile one, seems like an ode of Mr. Balki to Amitabh's voice. Though I too love his baritone voice, entire circus falls flat on face, practically amounting to sycophancy and that's the one thing you have in abundance in Bollywood !

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