Another forced relationship : Siblings: You just can not choose them. But for a few genetic strands, the womb where you came from and few formative years of childhood, you don't share much. Do you share, really or you were made to share? When the word 'Informed Parenting' was unheard of, the bias amongst the flock, that was their own, the parents used to exercise without any remorse, unabashedly. So intelligence though was counted, used to take a back seat when looks came in the picture. Thus many childhood memories are tainted by this bias leaving permanent scars, those take the form of 'Sibling Rivalry' in coming years. It's a well-known entity accepted by the science of mind and the word is so self-explanatory that no further deliberation is required.
Brothers vowing not to see the face of others is such a common phenomenon in India that the topmost families in India too could not escape the diktat. Read Gandhis and Ambanis. In contrast, Brother- Sister relationships are always gracious, loving and empathic. Being a male I can not much comment about such a thing in sisters but examples are abundant.
After sharing a beautiful childhood, where this bad blood could be setting in? In my opinion maybe, mostly after the entrance of the spouses in their lives. Somebody coming from different background, with a different set of values changes the scenario so much that at times it becomes difficult to believe that they once were siblings. Now they have their own families their own near and dear ones so they simply cease to remain the part of their parents' family, a fact leaving a huge void for longing!
I never understood why one should be apologetic about one's genetic gifts. If being differently challenged, or being homosexual or underprivileged is taken now with an open mind and they are encouraged to come out openly and be as normal as possible, why a smart Alec is always booed or looked down upon. For the society of averages, it's very difficult to accept somebody to be smarter, more intelligent and gifted than them. It is very interesting to note that, society accepts 'Have nots' more willingly. Because here the attitude is condescending. In another case, it's plain jealousy. For the gifted one too, it is difficult to climb down and build bridges with somebody who is not on par. In families where this difference is palpable amongst the siblings the parents rather than bringing the two parties together, add fuel to the fire, knowingly, at times unknowingly. And this always becomes the nidus for the future 'Sibling Rivalry' At times it reaches to such a peak that one who becomes relatively successful starts boasting about his booty and starts expecting respect, at times demanding one! Respect or Ego amongst the siblings is a journey towards the nadir of relationship. As they, after all, are made of the same earth, this attitude becomes the beginning of the end of a relationship.
Friends are a different cup of tea altogether. You start alone on the journey of life and keep on meeting this wonderful set of people on the way, sharing your views, sharing your love, sharing your dream. You become friends with those only, who are like-minded, so those who are not, get eliminated automatically and that's the beauty of the process. It happens so smoothly without leaving any bad blood behind. Unfortunately, the ones whom you like but do not succeed in life money-wise, too get eliminated, not from your side but theirs. It's a loss nonetheless.[ Krishna-Sudama story is not for today's times. Krishna was a God after all.] It's true other way round too. Those who touch the zenith, enter the totally different circle and cease to be a part of your homely group.
Like love, though friendship happens, it can not be forced [ I want to be friends with Madhuri Dixit ], it has to be nurtured by both the parties. There is no one-way traffic here. A time comes in a life where your friends take place of your blood relatives, even near and dear ones and your quest for solace from the relationship comes to an end! I don't know, but I feel, real friendship starts only in childhood, when you are totally naked on all the fronts. Nothing to hide nothing to boast of! When the situation is thus at the outset, it becomes so endearing to share when one achieves. It becomes a collective achievement. This is the lot who pulls you down and does not allow you to lose contact with the earth. At their behest, your feet are firmly grounded, in most of the astounding conditions and in most adverse ones too!
Any relationship whether mother-child, siblings, friends, bosses or colleagues, mainly depends on what type of person YOU are. It becomes a two-way affair afterwards!
One traveller entering a new village asks the sentry,' How are the people of this village?' The sentry counters,' How were the ones in the previous one'. 'Oh, scoundrels. Cheaters and thieves.' Sentry says with a wry smile,' They are same here.'
Another traveller throws the same question. Sentry's counter-question was the same one too. In jovial mood traveller replies, 'Oh lovely ones. Helping, Caring, Very cooperative and friendly' Sentry says with a grin ' These villagers too are same, friendly, cooperative and caring'.
Doesn't it tell-all?
P.S: This is not a dissertation for M. Phil. Just a few of my observations, thoughts and musings.