Friday, 8 May 2015

If PM stepps down on demand of oppositon and media

Imagine. Due to constant barking of the stray dogs outside the official prime ministerial residence in New Delhi, PM resigns, declaring frankly that he could not deliver what he promised exactly a year ago. The Mercs were short in supply as the European economy was in doldrums due to the Greece crisis, so he could not gift a Merc to every Indian as promised. He could not improve the judiciary as the backlog was so much that it would have taken more than 300 years to clear the cases in Mumbai courts [alone] with the present speed of deliverance of justice. He could not empower woman because that was to be done by Pappu and Co so he left it at that. He could not go far with his 'Swachchta Abhiyan' because that would have endangered Rich Indian culture and civilization of spitting on roads, defecating on railroads and littering the roads in general. And at any cost, he had to stand by Indian ethos and did not want to hurt the sentiments of poor, common Indian on the street. 

So he has stepped down. scenario number one. Pappu and His mother Maria, [ Mythological figures from Greece, no relation to any present-day caricature, I mean Individual ] come  [ back] to power.
1. Bharat Ratna is conferred on Diggy for his masterstroke in bringing the duo back in the saddle.
2. Sub Bharat Ratna for Maverick from Maharashtra who coined the slogan 'India is Maria and Maria is India' after changing the stance for umpteen number of times, at times backstabbing the near and dears ones, [so called.] to be as near the saddle as possible.
3. Within 24 hours all the women in India are empowered and the divorce rate shoots very high, breaking the ceiling.
4. Suicides committed by farmers stop immediately with retrospective effect [ Government order] so, many dead farmers come back to life singing ballads of Pappu's Padyatra that brought them back to life.
5. Greece's Economy skyrockets as Indian money is siphoned out with blessing from Maria who originally hailed from that country.
6. The dollar becomes so cheap that India is asked to stop her growth immediately by China so that the Chinese economy gets a chance to remain afloat vis a vis India's and America's.
7. Within 48 hrs India finds 15 gold mines and 32 oil reserves on her subcontinent making average Indian very very rich by the fastest speed by any counter.
Difficult to enumerate the further events and course of actions, they are innumerable.
Scenario two.
Zaadu and co. comes in power. 
1. Party gets divided into 4 fractions, each one governing Indian subcontinent in its own fashion
2. All water, electricity, money, industry is diverted to Delhi making other states barren and bereft of any facilities.
3. So every Indian worth his salt marches towards Delhi to get water, electricity, ration, school and college education, a monthly quota of alcohol and condoms, free of cost.
4. Delhi has to extend her borders so much that her southern tip now is known as Kanyakumari, the northern tip still unknown due to Kashmir dispute.
5. Over a period of time, there was so much of garbage, political or otherwise that broom started falling short of its expectations so electronic sweepers were asked for, thereby forcing the party to change the electoral symbol.
3rd Option: All Yadavs come together and there starts a Big Big Yadavi. No one should dare to venture. The area is forbidden.

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