The ball started rolling when a young highly educated, working mother [ A CA working on the top post in a Multinational Bank] came along with her 7 months old child, complaining that the baby is not putting on weight as expected, in spite of giving normal food. The child was just not thriving. Really 7 months child hardly looked like max 4 months of age Though eyes were bright and the torso, in general, was well-formed, but the child was absolutely short, with small broomsticks as legs and hands. and was not thriving properly. My DOCTOR daughter in law, trained in Neonatology. saw the child and after examining she said ' Child is malnourished and so is not thriving, maybe, not getting enough nutrients.' It turned out that the mother belonged to some sect, something like Jehovah's Witnesses and did not give the child the food what in the normal course the child required. Non-veg was big taboo, so was out of the question but more surprising was that 50% of the vegetables even were taboo! Even after explaining the fundamentals and the importance of normal nutritious foodstuff for 5 months old, the mother steadfastly rejected 75% of what was charted out for her daughter from the vegetarian food, in the 1st place, out of the remaining, citing more complex religious taboos, one after the other, she vetoed out, practically 90% from the spread. The irony was, whatever her highness passed, hardly was a balanced diet. Mostly only Carbohydrates and fats. no fibres, no proteins, no vitamins! And I was shocked at myself of what I suggested as the last resort. 'Send her to The Sect dietician !'. Dietician having religion ?!
Any branch of Modern Medicine is developed, being developed or at least trying to develop on the merit of pure authenticated research, proved by umpteen experiments, in short science in its purest form and thus carries no label. It must not. And here? Though it looks absurd but the statement holds water, definitely. We have come to such a passe that this stupid sentiment is sipping slowly in all walks of life.
Intelligentsia. By definition, maybe my own is a class of people where you get berth only on, 1. Intelligence, sheer intelligence, no book worms here. 2. Rational thinking. 3 Having fine faculties to discuss analyse dissect and oppose if necessary 4. Have the capacity to think independently, what they call outside the box and last but not the least 5. To have the courage and integrity to put forward in front of any audience from any platform what you really feel, think from the gut levels.
There was a lot of hue and cry about Mr R Rajan's refusal to continue as RBI governor any further. As I have already accepted that I understand nothing about economics, all about those fiscal rates, deficits and what not. Accepted for the argument that Mr R Rajan was the best, 1st in his class, even for that matter a gold medalist, but there must be this second guy, a silver medalist, who missed the rank by the width of a hair, and it's highly likely that 'He might be having totally opposite views what Mr Rajan is trying to set for India. So here we have a world-famous economist backed by Leftists, thumping their hearts so much that, they might burst. But the picture is obviously not that clear, now we have in the field of economics two diagonally opposite viewpoints even for the middle path. My intelligence is unable to cope up with it!
An architect with right-wing upbringing, they call it chaddi values, will definitely try to incorporate, the designs popularized by the serial on Ramayan. In fact, nobody can vouch how exactly was the architecture in those times. But you will get ornate pillars with lotus and or Om incorporated somewhere . Exactly a Muslim one would try to emulate mosque like pattern in all his designs.
These are only a few examples. Every topper from every field is not simply, a topper now, he belongs to a camp. He can't or is not allowed to shed his artificial attires. Sad state of affairs.
The divide may be on different levels, Religion topping the all, political inclinations, caste, creed, region, nation, gender oh the list is unending! Unbiased thinkers have become a rare breed. The so-called Intelligentsia too is so divided I shudder to call them the members of the elite class.
Any branch of Modern Medicine is developed, being developed or at least trying to develop on the merit of pure authenticated research, proved by umpteen experiments, in short science in its purest form and thus carries no label. It must not. And here? Though it looks absurd but the statement holds water, definitely. We have come to such a passe that this stupid sentiment is sipping slowly in all walks of life.
Intelligentsia. By definition, maybe my own is a class of people where you get berth only on, 1. Intelligence, sheer intelligence, no book worms here. 2. Rational thinking. 3 Having fine faculties to discuss analyse dissect and oppose if necessary 4. Have the capacity to think independently, what they call outside the box and last but not the least 5. To have the courage and integrity to put forward in front of any audience from any platform what you really feel, think from the gut levels.
There was a lot of hue and cry about Mr R Rajan's refusal to continue as RBI governor any further. As I have already accepted that I understand nothing about economics, all about those fiscal rates, deficits and what not. Accepted for the argument that Mr R Rajan was the best, 1st in his class, even for that matter a gold medalist, but there must be this second guy, a silver medalist, who missed the rank by the width of a hair, and it's highly likely that 'He might be having totally opposite views what Mr Rajan is trying to set for India. So here we have a world-famous economist backed by Leftists, thumping their hearts so much that, they might burst. But the picture is obviously not that clear, now we have in the field of economics two diagonally opposite viewpoints even for the middle path. My intelligence is unable to cope up with it!
An architect with right-wing upbringing, they call it chaddi values, will definitely try to incorporate, the designs popularized by the serial on Ramayan. In fact, nobody can vouch how exactly was the architecture in those times. But you will get ornate pillars with lotus and or Om incorporated somewhere . Exactly a Muslim one would try to emulate mosque like pattern in all his designs.
These are only a few examples. Every topper from every field is not simply, a topper now, he belongs to a camp. He can't or is not allowed to shed his artificial attires. Sad state of affairs.
The divide may be on different levels, Religion topping the all, political inclinations, caste, creed, region, nation, gender oh the list is unending! Unbiased thinkers have become a rare breed. The so-called Intelligentsia too is so divided I shudder to call them the members of the elite class.
ARE Bhai kahena kya chahate ho ? Ye baccha, ma, jain, rajan, economy ye sab bambaiya bhel kya hai re ?
ReplyDeleteARE Bhai kahena kya chahate ho ? Ye baccha, ma, jain, rajan, economy ye sab bambaiya bhel kya hai re ?
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha . The point is very simple. Education should enlighten. In case of the Mother even though being highly educated, she could not think rationally and the religion overpowered, the one that told the things which are 5000 years old. And that's happening every where.No field is left untouched.R Rajan, for that matter any person, at the top most level of his field, too is coming with a label. Right or wrong Rajan too is having label, that is pleasing lefts and annoying rights. So they are going to find the one who is cut according to their needs! And then what happens to 'Good Economics' it takes a back seat ! What I want to convey is , let experts do their work without hindrance but the scenario is such that experts too are biased now and to please the authorities in power, mend the facts accordingly. The precedence that started in Congress Raj.
ReplyDeleteIn short Intelligent person must be just that, Intelligent and must not have any tags. Unfortunately in today's times even the most intelligent one comes with a 'Price' tag and sells his prowess at a cost, exactly like a street walker selling her body for a price ! So one is selling his brains and other is selling.... well another part of her body, no question of ethics here !