1.Doctor: Patient ratio in India is one of the lowest in the entire world. To top it, the Government allots minuscule funds for the health. The one that reaches the actual field is still lesser due to enormous pilferage. As the health schemes by the government are malfunctioning because of these and a variety of other factors, patients have to seek help from the private sector. If we want these patients to come back to 'Sarkari' services, the system has to be overhauled drastically and must be freed from political interference.
2. Due to enormous development in the field, the outgoings have increased accordingly. Thus the investment amounts to millions. The Medical professional who already has spent 15 to 20 years for education/specialization/super-specialization and then investing in crores by taking loans, is not going to run his private enterprise on a charitable basis. By the time when a young Doctor has to go through these and other ordeals, he ceases to be naive principled self. To top it, when google trained self-educated half baked nuts wonder, 'How come you are not having 'X' machine or facilities for 'Y' investigation?' he is bound to lose his cool. Thus when not asked for, investigations are good but as soon they make a hole in the pocket, they become unnecessary, this double standard won't do.
3. If Doctor is God to you, you must have faith in him like you have, in the real [ to be frank, fictitious] one! Already he has been brought under the consumer act, so automatically you become the buyer, thus you can not eat cake and have it too. Either he is a God, so have faith or he sells the commodity so you get what you have asked for. You can not change the stance according to what suits you.
4. As said previously 'Health' is one's own responsibility. To neglect it and then put the onus on the Doctor for treatment is an injustice to the Doctors.
5. All the Medical Colleges run by the private trusts have political patronage. As they are run by the political bid-wigs, they are hardly under the control of the government. Society should rise against them, as these are money-making factories for politicians. 'I have money, so my son will be a Doctor' type of attitude of society must also be abhorred. These guys and gals are going to deal with human lives so the selection to the course must be purely on the basis of merit and not on caste and on 'How much money his guardian can shell out'.
6. Is there any instance, when the resident was being beaten, he was rescued by the bystanders or did any channel at least spell this out? Does not it amount to callous behaviour on the part of media?
7. Rather than discussing these crucial aspects of the problem, to keep on harping on the other aspects of medical profession amounts to backing these goons in their unruly deeds. So-called 4th pillar of the democracy must keep this in mind. In today's paid media this seems improbable.
8. What is happening with the middle class society is, It has the freshest knowledge from West about the diseases, courtesy Google/Internet but it conveniently wants to forget that it costs money. Today's Doctors have Ultra-modern Knowledge from West to be practised in society with African facilities and people with the tribal mindset. If one can afford a cinema viewing in an ultra-modern air-conditioned mall, when single screen cheap entertainment is available, he must also make the provisions for his 'would' be ailments well in advance. And if you can't afford private treatment, you must have faith and patience for the governmental treatment for the reasons cited above.
9. If the common man on the street is going to get affected so badly when these doctors make themselves unavailable, then it is society's responsibility to take care of them. Unsympathetic utterances by the courts are not the news to rejoice.
10. Doctors are part of the same society which itself is not blame-proof. He too is looted by the other factors of the society [ more so, Doctor hai, maal wala hai]. Political pressures at the district levels are absolutely killing. All these political social workers who threaten the doctor of dire consequences if 'their' patient is not cured, run away when it comes to the payment of the bill.
11. In fact, society, in general, requires introspection and a lot of education, to understand what one means by democracy. That every disease can not be cured and every person can not be saved. There are limitations to human en-devour and medical sciences. Man still does not know the human body and the diseases fully. And whose job it is to educate the common man? In Lok. Tilak and Agarkar's times it was done by socio-political leaders. I don't see anybody of that calibre in today's times. Instead of making the common man erudite, today's leader is more interested in keeping him illiterate and uninformed so that he can get away with his loot.
In spite of having the clear in-discriminatory picture, if some experts still feel that the Patients should not be held at ransom by going on strike, they should come out with an amicable solution. 'To tell them to leave the job,' is not the answer because from where are you going to get doctors to fill up these vacancies. To be frank, everybody knows that without these doctors and Doctors in general, health care and society, in general, will collapse! Even then .....