Friday, 19 June 2020


Pre lockout days. I was late from my clinic and was driving without paying much attention to the roads because they were mostly deserted. On the corner where I take a turn to my home, I saw a figure, standing in the dim street light of the lamp post. Was unable to exactly put it in any form, nor any gender. Mostly looking like a restless soul, waiting to be helped, cajoled, looked after, God knows what, but it was very shaky.
I screeched the brake and tried to put the car as near as possible so as to have a clear picture of the figure. Still, I could not. I do not believe in God so naturally its counterpart Evil, too I do not believe. So without having any trace of fear and in most helpful attitude, I asked the figure,
“Who are you?” It did not respond. I tried to continue the conversation;” Do you need any help, may I?”
It appeared that it turned towards me in askance. Still, the face was not visible due to poor lighting. I heard, like a small sigh escaping from the figure. After a pause, it asked in a very sincere clear baritone voice,
I nodded my head in affirmative.
“See, if I tell you my name, you will definitely hesitate to help me. Most of them are either shy of me or afraid. Nobody really loves me. Given a chance all, all of them run away from me.!”
I was perplexed. Still, I was at large. But I did get some idea. It though wore bright white attire, its nakedness was apparent through it. It was darkened by the gloom around. Though it did not seem to be third gender but whether it was a man or a woman I could not ascertain with clarity.
‘Whatever? I am a man of principle and did not do any wrong consciously, so I am not afraid and I am ready to help you”
It laughed a small childish smile or was it a smirk?
“Okay then, I am turning around you may find it difficult to look me in the eyes.”
“I am ready”
Slowly the figure turned around. It had a glowing halo around its head. Eyes, were they, whatever, were very bright as if about to pour out the fire within, and really it was very difficult to look into its eyes. In its crystal clear sonorous lilting voice, it said,
“I am truth! The truth!”
Though I was not taken aback I hesitated a bit. In an incredulous voice, I heard myself saying
“ Really? Then why are you hiding here in the dark,…away from the prying eyes?” I threw a salvo.
As if it has read my mind, in a patronizing voice it set aside my doubt and said,
“See dear, you have a clean slate so you are finding my attire white and glowing, my voice lilting but most out there they dread me. As far as possible they try to subvert me, keep me chained in deep abyss not allowing to surface because they know that if I surface they had it.”
“But how can they chain you and why, you don’t seem to be having any shape, any form you are so fluid, maybe slimy too, that’s why may be difficult to hold, and for that matter you don’t have any other recognizable attribute!”
Again a tingling laugh and in a slow stream of soothing voice continued.
“Precisely. I am neither a male nor a female for that matter anything sexual. I don’t have age so I am neither a child nor an elderly but I am totally innocent, can say naïve also, exactly like a child because I don’t have any prejudices. I am what I am. Give or take! I don’t have any particular shape because everybody perceives me differently. Why for that matter when the fourth dimension, that’s time, changes I change too. So there you go. Though I cannot be seen, cannot be heard I am there, I am all-pervasive.”  
I was little apprehensive now. I could not take its plight further. Pitying it I said,
“Must be difficult to be alone and all on your own in this hostile world!”
“Very. You have put it in exact words. This hostile world. It tries to hide me, suffocate me, kill me, at every juncture, on every walk of life, but being what I am, I just cannot give up otherwise whatever the ramshackle, that’s this world is running in whatever way today, will halt the next second. It will just die. There are people like you, who are the only hope for this world to run smoothly, rather sanely!  And if you talk about a relative I do have, my stepbrother. The Untruth!”
I immediately got its point without it spelling out the details. I knew what it was coming to. Untruth told a thousand times becomes the truth.
Again reading my mind the truth, poor but saintly truth said,
“Yes, and they have invented the system to do so. In today’s times, they have made my life so miserable that the pace of life does not allow anyone to take even the cognizance of me. He or she takes whatever is bombarded at him/her without bothering for the details because the very idea of the exercise is to confuse. And today’s gullible guy, for want of time bites the bait. Those who don’t are found by the railway tracks, in the deep seas or they, vanish in thin air!” 
Though not unaware of such things, the nakedness of the truth made me aghast.
“Whatever, you need not bother, you have my place to stay, come with me” I offered.
In a very silky tone full with warmth and kindness the truth replied, “Kid, don’t you realize I am already residing there?”             
                                                                       Thanks, Mr Mukund Mahajan for the germ!

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