Sunday, 13 September 2020



Statutory Warning: This blog must be taken strictly with tongue firmly in cheek!



Let me put it out straight at the outset only.

I don’t do drugs.

I have never done drugs.

I don’t intend to do drugs, may be too old for it now, even then!

At the same time, I don’t purport drugs nor do I have sympathy for those who do it.

But going by the present events or news it seems that it’s not that a rare thing. Everybody of anybody from bollywood, why bollywood alone, from the circles not open to a plebeian like me, is doing it, may be even after a morning cup of tea! It made me think, ‘What IS a Drug’ after all?

I don’t want to sound novice as I have spent practically my entire life in doing drugs, but there, they are known as ‘Medicines!’ Of course we were taught about ‘The’ drugs in pharmacology classes, and we ‘Did’ them by heart lest a note or a full question was there in the finals.

After going through the definition, proper definition, again after finishing the pharmacology class, may be 45 years later, I wondered a little. The definition seems vague as of now as the social scenario has changed completely over last 5 decades.

A drug, ‘The’ drug especially 'Psychotropic drug' as it is normally known as, is a chemical substance that, “Changes Brain Functions and results in alterations in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition or behavior!” To various degrees.

I was taken aback. Post, lifting of the prohibition practically everybody has done this ‘Drug’ and many are still doing it practically on day to day basis! Even females ‘Do’ it, though mostly from upper crust but the middle classes lagging not far behind, And it’s common also in [Sorry to say], Lower caste working women! When the revenues nosedived due to Corona lock out there was a cry, practically a war cry , to open the shops selling this ‘Drug’.

There are some half baked knowledgeable who shirk on the use of word chemicals. And nobody bothers to tell them that even the water is a chemical, having configuration H2O. Similarly this drug too has a chemical configuration that goes by the formula, C2H5OH. Its Chemical name being ‘Ethanol’ or ‘Ethyl Alcohol’. In the layman on the street’s words, it means, how many nomenclatures are there?

Right from the crudest, Hooch to sophisticated in upwards fashion, Aqua Vitae, wow! Water for living! Simple ‘Booze’ to ‘Fire water’, so apt!  Also Grog, or simple drink!

Now if you go by the definition for ‘Psychotropic Drug’, tell me what it does not do?!

In fact it is basically drunk for the ‘Effect’. If you don’t get high, your alcohol should be ashamed to call itself ‘Alcohol!’ That’s the most commonly going notion!

Behavioral changes, I have seen sheep turning into Tiger after a peg or two. Affecting perception? Taking somebody else’s wife as your own! Disastrous!! Double whammy!!! Kicks from the wife, other’s wife and the enraged husband who too is on the different planet after 2 pegs, so more dangerous!

And who wants relaxation, a change in mood after a hectic tiring day!

‘Alcohol’ thus fits on every account into definition of ‘Psychotropic’ drug! Except unreasonable puritans, in today’s times hardly anybody says ‘No’ to ‘Alcohol’, on the contrary, ‘let’s meet over the drinks, will have some gossip! ’ Is the common excuse given by almost everybody to ‘Do’ this ‘Drug!” Social scenario has changed so much so that now Fathers in law share a drink with daughters in law or  mothers with sons and of course daughters without bashing an eyelid!

Then why so much hue and cry is being raised for having some,’ Cannabis’ and/or ‘Marijuana’?

Indian sadhus are using ‘Cannabis’ since ages. No I am not pinpointing anything against any faith, just citing the fact. Why, one of my most naive relations was caught at, an Australian Airport for possessing ‘Psychotropic’ drug. Poor thing was carrying ‘IT’ for her daughter who could not get it for making the ‘Modaks’ for Ganapati. To carry ‘Poppy Seeds’ is culpable crime in many countries and we Indians use it regularly, which in plain vernacular is known as ‘Khuskhus’!

Taking into consideration all these points many countries world over have legalized minor psychotropic drugs like, plain ‘Weed’. Right from the most liberal Canada to still orthodox Russia. South Americans and Europeans lagging not far behind!

Here let me reiterate again that I am ‘NOT” for the drugs of any type. Alcohol too should/ must be consumed in moderation; otherwise what consequences one has to face, everybody is aware of, right from physical, to psychological to sociological.  

But one thing I am sure doing drugs, does not change the person what you are, if you are good you’ll remain good, or it will bring out Satan in you, choice is yours!

PS: Alcohol is socially accepted ‘Psychotropic drug’, [may be in some way it can be called as ‘Poison’], in the same vein ‘Share market’ is socially accepted ‘Gambling’ with aura of sophistication around it! ..........But about it later!



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