Wednesday, 26 May 2021



Existence. You are, because you exist. You exist because you are. Am I trying to catch the tail of the proverbial dog that goes round and round to catch his own tail? If one tries to reach the crux of the matter why do we exist, it boils down to, we live because we are born and because we are born we have to live, that nobody has control over.

Long long back had read a story by late Narayan Dharap, a noted writer who mastered in writing about occult, mystic, supernatural and everything that’s beyond comprehension of common, normal human brain.  In this one, he had dealt with some supernatural existence that looks down upon the human species, in general. His argument was there have been so many generations of humans, Homo sapiens but it seems that older generation has failed to pass on what it has learnt during its existence, to the younger one. While forming a new life why the partners who are learned adults can’t pass on their knowledge they have achieved, through their genes to the offspring? The new born is made to go through the rigmarole that we call, life. It takes years for that young one to become thinking sensible adult, a human being. If the older generation spent its entire life in accumulating what may be labelled as so called ‘Knowledge’ the younger one has to climb up the same steps to reach that status. So where is the achievement? Why? And what’s the propriety? It means Human race has to go through all the phases of evolution in one life time. Right from one celled embryo to tadpole amphibian to a full fledged human baby not necessarily fully evolved. If human race has to evolve more and more, the new born must inherit the traits what his ancestors have accumulated over the centuries. For example why the child has to learn the language his forefathers spoke for centuries? Why can’t he just give away the gibberish he speaks in his formative years and just starts reciting ballads, poetry or verses that have mesmerised his past generations for years?

To be frank for me, it’s beyond me. We have been told, it’s so and we blindly, mostly gladly accept it because we are lazy at the cortical level, even the gifted ones. They come out with another gibberish that fools some people for some time and they too get lost in the stream of life, that 4th dimension ‘Time’!

One thing that remains constant though is, we cannot help to avoid, the wounds along the way, however erudite we may call ourselves. Everybody is wounded. There are few who neither make show of it, and more importantly nor try to hide them either. They move on with the life with their scars visible, at times bleeding but not allowing them to sway away from what they have decided to do with their lives. Most make the most of it and shout from the rooftops about how badly they are wounded, though in fact it hardly may leave a scar.  They make it their livelihood and try to live on the fake sympathy. There are few others who really get so wounded that they lose the zest to live and accept the defeat on the background of life, that eternal flame which makes the human race to go! Existence with its various hues!

Once we exist, we try to weave a beautiful web around us, may be a cocoon and call it life. But once the web is formed we lose our freedom, we just cannot escape from the web of life that we ourselves have woven. Life is not about the comparisons with the others but it is about the choices we make. And the hitch is everybody doesn’t get the same choices. The inequality starts from the birth. Your gender, your colour, and your looks, every single thing stands as an obstacle to have equal chance, equal opportunity. Right from your family, their social and more important their financial position in society spells the fate you are made to go through. Otherwise why do we have to suffer morons like the Prince charming only because he has good pedigree and backstabbers from the back door endlessly? They steal what is meant to be yours.

In a given situation putting in all the data collected over the years, and here as said before our genetics fails us miserably, from various experiences till then, we make a choice. May be right or may be wrong, because we come to know about it only after walking down the chosen lane few steps, 4th dimension ‘Time’ playing a crucial role in the background! Because it is in the background, invisible, never can we reverse the direction and start afresh from the same point of bifurcation, as they always say; ‘Times’ have changed!’Some find it comfortable to be in, it just being a right milieu at the right time at the right place for them. Others waver many a time but nonetheless keep moving on correcting the steps as and when needed. They call it compromise, forgetting the very fact that Compromise is cheating oneself. But they are so happy rather complacent, that they take pride in sacrificing their soul in the bargain. The ones, who are lost, remain always lost because they carry their wounds on their sleeves and never allow the past to let go!

Even if all the possibilities are taken into consideration, there is a lingering doubt in everybody’s mind that always nags, ‘Had I taken the other path, would it have been different?’ Rather better!

I don’t have the answer but I too loiter on the trodden path many a time, give it a passing thought, chuckle to myself and move on! Because I am, so I exist and if I exist I have to live!


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