Monday, 16 November 2015

Me. A Schizophrenic ?

Nowadays I am confused a lot. Every which way the things are going is so beyond me that many times I fail to comprehend the situation. So a 'Gay' country [ They themselves call their capital 'Gay Paaari '. Of course affectionately and not literally ] like France attacks Syria without bothering about the other world's reaction, read Islamic, within a week of attack and we went on prosecuting Qasab for donkeys' years. And in the end what we proved to whom? I am confused.  
Man kills animals for food. and none escapes to satisfy his taste buds. From Mosquito eggs to insects, like gross hoppers and their larvae, from Dogs in Korea to Cats in Indonesia. From Crocodiles in Africa to Snails in France, you name a living thing  and it is served on your plate as a delicacy. Now the point is if you eat everything why beef should be a problem. Contrarily out of all these animals if you don't eat beef are you missing out on anything. In fact, the choice is so vast! And I am confused. To support or not to support cow slaughter?
Congress looted country right left and centre for more than 60 years. All the long term plans tomtomed as Dreams of India turned out to be white elephants. It has divided country on the caste basis irreparably under the guise of reservations to correct the social injustice. And today under same caste system which we want to do away with, the elections have been won in UP and Bihar. And I, the one who really wants classless caste-less society, am left bewildered and confused.
I really feel India should be a secular state in the truest sense of the word but on one hand, we have pseudo-secularism practised by Leftist and Congress favouring only Muslims and on the other side we have VHPs and Bajarang Dals who are taking India back to medieval times. Again I am confused which way to go.
To be educated, that too highly educated has become really a bane in India. You know everything is going awry but you are just helpless. Hordes of illiterates from the interiors of India are bringing back the goons and corrupt in the main arena of politics that leaves you totally confused asking, what India is really made of? 
Indira Gandhi went on proclaiming 'Garibi Hatao' for many years in elections after elections, never ever delivered But my Indians want Mr.Modi to deliver in 15 months since he started holding the reigns. And they wanted such a drastic change in a scenario like a magic trick that they started shouting from the rooftops, 'He's a liar, he is fooling people.' even before he completed one year in the saddle. They did not dare a word to say against Indira Gandhi for fear of eventuality, that all we knew and know,, but in spite of being PM of the country our noble country, he is called a liar even cannibal in the recent election. And nobody went to jail or died like Mr Nagarwala in suspicious conditions. I am confused who really is intolerant.
The list is enormous. I don't know when to stop. See. Confusion again.

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